Szkoła letnia PRACE 2011

WCSS zachęca wszystkich użytkowników do udziału w szkole letniej pt. "Taking the Most Out of Supercomputers" organizowanej przez projekt PRACE, w terminie 29 sierpnia - 1 września 2011 w Espoo, Finlandia. Udział w szkole jest bezpłatny. Szczegóły wydarzenia znajdą Państwo w zaproszeniu poniżej i na stronie szkoły:
O projekcie PRACE, w którego realizacji uczestniczy WCSS, mogą Państwo dowiedzieć się więcej na stronie
PRACE Summer School: Taking the Most Out of Supercomputers
PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe organizes a summer school on 29 August to 1 September 2011 in Espoo, Finland. The school will be hosted by CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd and co-organized together by CSC and the PDC supercomputing centre in Stockholm, Sweden.
In this four-day event the participants will learn advanced parallel programming skills, which are necessary for taking the most out of the largest (Tier-0) supercomputers the PRACE Research Infrastructure is offering for European scientists and engineers.
The speaker list includes William Gropp (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), one of the key authors of MPI (Message Passing Interface) programming paradigm, and Rolf Rabenseifner (HLRS), one of the most renowned researchers of hybrid parallel programming models. In addition, the following topics will be covered: programming GPGPU clusters with CUDA+MPI, low-level single-core performance optimization as well as using the Python programming language in supercomputing.
The largest supercomputers in Scandinavia, i.e. the brand new Cray XE6 system at PDC and CSC's Cray XT4/XT5 system Louhi will be in disposal of the participants.
Attendance is free of charge for all academics affiliated to PRACE member countries. For further details and a registration please visit